Information in English
Voimisteluseura Helsinki is nonprofit gymnastics club located in Helsinki. We offer classes to everyone starting from 3 years of age all the way to adults.
Our main goal is that everyone learns new things and that they have great time in our classes. We want that everyone will get exited about moving their body.
In the training we encourage trying and emphasize individual learning. We want to keep our groups sizes quite small, so everyone has a change to learn and thrive. We think that if our participants are having fun and enjoying gymnastics that they want to keep going in the future years.
Offered sports:
Cheerleading is a dynamic team sport that combines acrobatic moves, various jumping sequences, and lifts. There's no shortage of energy in the sport, and team spirit is high. Cheerleading is suitable for both girls and boys.
Groups names:
Cheerleading jekkuMikrot
- is for the youngest participants
Cheerleading JekkuMinit
Is for school aged participants
Alkeet- Starting group
Taso 1 - Leve one - After practising at least one semester
Level 2 - Level two - Coaches will tell when to advance to this level
Artistic gymnastics
Artistic gymnastics is a traditional sport where athletes practice on apparatuses. It's divided into women's and men's artistic gymnastics, each utilizing partially different apparatuses. Artistic gymnastics involves various flips, acrobatics, routines on bars, balance exercises, strength, and flexibility training.
Groups names:
Jekkukoulu - our gymnastics class consept that is suitable for everyone
Jekkukoulu Jatko - More advanced groups that train 2-3 times a week, ask your coach before joining
Telinevoimistelu tytöt/pojat - Artistic gymnastic classes for junior high school aged gymnasts
In parkour classes, the goal is to learn to use the body in a versatile and controlled manner. Participants learn various original and borrowed movements from other disciplines, such as jumps, landings, vaults, passes, climbs, wall runs, and leaps. It's a physically demanding sport that requires static and dynamic balance, endurance, strength, and flexibility. Classes aim to train these attributes, including thorough warm-ups and stretching to reduce the risk of injury.
Groups names:
JekkuParkour AVOIN
- is suitable for everyone interested in parkour. This class is more flexible with the wishes of the participants.
- Is suitable for everyone, the classes are more structured and training will start with the easier movements and continue towards harder moves.
JekkuParkour JATKO
- Is more advanced class. Ask your coach or our office about joining in.
Trampoline gymnastics
Trampoline gymnastics is a versatile sport where various jumps, flips, and exercises are practiced on a trampoline, and depending on the facility, also on a trampoline track and a double mini-trampoline. Trampoline gymnastics begins with solid fundamentals and emphasizes safety while training on the trampoline. As skills progress, participants move on to more challenging maneuvers.
Groups names:
- is suitable for all young trampoline participants
- Is suitable for over 10 year olds.
Trampoliinivoimistelu JATKO
- Is more advanced class, that children can join after training at least one semester in trampoline gymnastics. You can ask you coach or our office about these groups.
Different locations
The Arcada Hall (Arcadahallen) is located in the Arabian district on the 6th floor of the residential building of Arcada University of Applied Sciences. Arcada features a large sports hall, plenty of gymnastics mats, metal bars, rings, blocks, and mats, as well as men's parallel bars and a double mini-trampoline.
The Kisahalli is located in Töölö, next to the Olympic Stadium, at Paavo Nurmi's Lane 1 C. Kisahalli features a gymnastics area of approximately 1000 square meters, with a focus on women's artistic gymnastics competition apparatuses.
The Kivikko gyms are connected to the Kivikko ski hall. The easiest way to find the gym is by following the signs for the ski hall. In our Kivikko location, we have two gyms: the Jekkulinna gym on the 3rd floor and the apparatus gym on the 1st floor.
The 3rd Floor is closed for a season 2024-2025
The Liikuntamylly is located in Myllypuro, in close proximity to the Kehä I ring road and right next to the metro station. The Liikuntamylly features two gyms: the Jekku gym on the ground floor and the apparatus gym on the upper floor.
The Urhea Hall is located next to the Mäkelänrinne Sports Hall in Vallila. The Urhea Hall provides fantastic new facilities for safe and diverse sports training.
Prices and information for trial periods
Payment and semesters
Payment consist of two parts. First one is the classes price/semester and second one is mandatory membership fee. Membership fee is paid annually. For 2024 membership is 28 euros and it's paid the first time you enroll in our classes during that year.
We have 3 semerster is a year
Spring semester - from January to end of April
Signing up starts usually beginning of December
Summer semester - From May to Midsummer (has different prices)
Signing up starts usually middle of March
Fall semester - from middle of August to middle of December
Signing up starts usually middle of May
All participants have to sign up for every new semester.
Hobby groups prices for 2024
Artistic gymnastics, trampoline gymmastics and parkour.
Signing up the same participants to multiple lessons
If a gymnast signs up for multiple groups in myClub, to correct the invoice, please contact the club at the following address: We will adjust the second invoice from 230 euros to 170 euros. The correction does not happen automatically; it needs to be requested separately.
Please use the following subject line for the email: "Correction of multiple weekly class invoice".
The training fee is automatically sent via email for each registration. Payments must be made by the due date using the UNIQUE REFERENCE NUMBER on EACH INVOICE! Without the reference number, the payment won't be allocated to the correct invoice.
If a member discontinues training in a group during the season, the seasonal fee will not be refunded. Registered members commit to our activities for one season at a time.
Trial period for new members
If a participant joins VSH as a member for the first time, they can try two training sessions in the group initially. If they decide to discontinue the hobby after the two trial sessions, they must notify us in writing before the third training session of the group. In that case, you will be charged the price of the trial visits and administrative costs, totaling 30€, and we will refund the remaining amount to the account you provide. We do not refund payments once the third training session has begun! Please note that existing members do not have trial sessions.
Please note that for the trial, you MUST register for the group in the membership registry and pay the invoice on time.
How to sign up for lessons
1. Make you way to Lukujärjestykset
2. Choose the correct age group
3. Choose witch location works best for you
4. Choose a right group that ypu want to sign up to
5. Click the link on the time table of your choosen group
6. Click "ilmottaudu" to sign up
7. Fill in the information
Osallistujan tiedot - The participants information
Etunimi - First name
Sukunimi - Last name
Syntymäaika - birthday
Sukupuoli - gender
Osallistujan yhteystiedot - contact infomation. If you are sign up a child, please fill in YOUR contacts
Sähköposti - Email
Matkapuhelin - Phone number
Postiosoite - Address
Postinumero - Postal code
Postitoimipaikka - Postal City
Laskutusosoite - Put this if somebody else is paying the lessons
You can fill in the information about payment. Note: We are sending all payments via email.
Huoltajat - Guardian/parent
Huoltajan etunimi - First name of the parent/guardian
Huoltajan sukunimi - Last name of the parent/guardian
Huoltajan puhelin - guardians numner (you have to put down, even if it is the same as your number before)
Huoltajan sähköposti -guardians email (you have to put down, even if it is the same as your email before)
Valokuvaus-/Videointilupa - Photography/Videography Consent
8. The choose the correct payments
If this is your first time signing up to this years lessons, please choose the "jäsenmaksu"
This document has information in Finnish and English
Contact us
If you get a problem and don't know what to do. Please contact us with this form. Please note, that it will normally take 3-6 days for us to contact you back.